The Client
BCHC provide high quality community and specialist services within Birmingham and the West Midlands. They deliver over 100 clinical services, out in peoples homes and in over 200 hospitals, health centres and clinics. They provide services for adults, children, people with learning disabilities, those with rehabilitation needs and also dental services.
Project Description
ChilledWeb were approached by the BCHC Education team to design, build and host their eLearning platform.
ChilledWeb created a secure virtual learning (eLearning) platform based on Moodle that their staff are able to easily manage and administer.
ChilledWeb also worked closely with the Royal College of Nursing and were able to publish 100's of RCNi courses on the eLearning platform so that the platform was full of useful and important learning material before the platform was launched to the Trust's users.
The customer now have around 5000 active users on the platform.
Mandatory Training
Since going live ChilledWeb have further expanded the platform, integrating a custom learning module to support Mandatory Training requirements.
Clinical Supervision
The Clinical team at BCHC approached ChilledWeb to see if we could also integrate a Clinical Supervision app into the eLearning platform. ChilledWeb created a custom app dedicated to Clinical Supervision that pulls resources from the eLearning platform, giving a consistent feel for users and a single sign on.
The new eLearning website is hosted on ChilledWeb servers in our datacenter, this delivers high availability, speed of access, unlimited disk volumes and bandwidth.